Poem: Faith of the Self-made Man

Poem: Faith of the Self-made Man


Faith of the Self-made Man

There are no coincidences
only lots of evidences
that I am more important than
all those other women and men.

All the universe bends to me
working toward my prosperity,
so don’t think you can tell me
that all this wasn’t meant to be.

And if you happen to be poor,
hurt, sick, dying, or even more,
take comfort in knowing what’s true:
God’s the one who did that to you.

For all good dads who’ve rocked the crib
are widely known for harming kids.
It must be for something you did;
there are no coincidences.

Bits: The Big Bopper Drowning in Quicksand

Bits: The Big Bopper Drowning in Quicksand

Vignette: A Space Pleasantry

Vignette: A Space Pleasantry