Vignette: Letters to God #6

Vignette: Letters to God #6

Letters to God #6

Hi God,

It’s me, Daniel—the one who grew up calling roly-poly, or pill bugs, “potato bugs.”

I hope things are going well for you, I really do. I know I’m not doing too great and I tend to focus on what I know, but I recognize you have a lot on your plate. Compliments to the chef, so to speak. I particularly like your work on waves, lilacs, bowling alley sounds, and German cars. (Although I recognize the record is mixed on Germany. Is that the price of good cars?)

Do you remember Blind Melon? Did they have BMG in heaven in the 90s? Do heaven have. 90s? Anyway, the lead singer was Shannon Hoon, who was notable for being a good front man and having a high ratio of “n”s and “o”s" in his name. You might know him (R.I.P. overdose, 1995).

This week, from beyond the grave, Shannon sang out to me, “When life is hard, you have to change.” What does he know? I guess some people might take a grim view of heeding the life advice of people who didn’t do so great at, you know, living. Still, it seemed sound to me.

So change, huh? New haircut? Move to North Carolina? Learn to rap? Direction would be super welcome, but, as mentioned, I know you have a lot on your plate, and I know I’m not the easiest person to help.

I’ll keep an eye out. Maybe listen to more 90s music in the meantime. (Spacehog reference!)



Vignette: Letters to God #7

Vignette: Letters to God #7

Vignette: Letters to God #5

Vignette: Letters to God #5