Vignette: Letters to God #5

Vignette: Letters to God #5

Letters to God #5


It’s Daniel Staker. Ron and Marie’s boy.

Do you remember Ralph Waldo Emerson? I bet you do. He’s got to be the only respected person out there whose name started with a “Ralph Waldo.” If you remember him and if you’re omniscient, you probably remember when he said, “That which we persist in doing becomes easier, not that the nature of the thing changes, but that our power to do increases.” (Or something like that.)

I used to really love that quote, but today I have two hang ups.

First, “power to do” never sounds right to me.

Second, aren’t there things that by their nature just wear you down? At this point I’m almost ten years into doing work I don’t like to meet the needs I can’t possibly satisfy. (There’s always something else I could, even should, do, right?) This coming Monday will not be easier than Mondays in year’s past.

I suppose I could be persisting all wrong. Any tips? Pointers? Reasons for hope?

Best of luck in all your Godly endeavors.



Vignette: Letters to God #6

Vignette: Letters to God #6

Vignette: Letters to God #4

Vignette: Letters to God #4