Poem: Gift of the Innocent (Or: The Dog Ate My Rubik's Cube!)

Poem: Gift of the Innocent (Or: The Dog Ate My Rubik's Cube!)

Gift of the Innocent (Or: The Dog Ate My Rubik’s Cube!)

My wife says
she solves the
Rubik’s cube.

But the cube
never stays
solved for long.

It would get
all mixed up

She wanted
it to be
all mixed up.

Only then
could she be
solving it.

And she could
solve and solve

Then the dog
thought: I can
solve that cube.

He pulled off
every square,
chewed and chewed.

What a good
he thought.
It is solved.

Now no one
will have to
solve again.

Poem: Touching the Ark

Poem: Touching the Ark

Poem: Father & Son (Thoughts on Estrangement, Reconciliation & Blood Atonement)

Poem: Father & Son (Thoughts on Estrangement, Reconciliation & Blood Atonement)