Poem: Redemption

Poem: Redemption



They talk about
changing a man
like it’s changing
a pair of shoes.

Is that divine?

God’s power strikes
like a bolt of
holy lightning
out of the blue,
and then, SHAZAM,
a mighty change
is wrought through the
power of faith!

I’m not so sure.

Are we puppets?
Is God wielding
a lightning bow
like some sort of
Christian Cupid?
Are we just pawns
in his cross hairs?

Who knows for sure?

It’s above my
pay grade to know,
and I won’t tell
God his business,
but I really
hope that the work
of salvation
is the whole point
of salvation.

It’s not about
the lightning flash
but the climate
and exposure
to elements—
and drop by drop,
over decades,
the stone is carved.

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