Poem: The Lost Tribes

Poem: The Lost Tribes

The Lost Tribes

I decided I would
try to gather Israel.
I made a Facebook page,
invited everyone
I knew from all the tribes
along with a few folks
I wasn’t sure about,
but they sure looked like heirs
of Zebulun to me.

I called to ask about
renting the ballroom at
Jerusalem’s Hyatt,
but it can only seat
thirteen-hundred people,
and I would have to buy
a ton of fish dinners
for them to comp the room.

Then, on the Facebook page,
Ephriam started to get
envious of Judah,
so then, of course, Judah
got to vexing Ephriam
and it was this whole thing.
So I decided I’d
gather myself instead.

I got off of Facebook,
stopped trying to spot folks
who might be Zebuluns,
only bought sensible
amounts of fish dinners,
and tried to smile and wave
politely at all the
people I passed by while
going about my life.

Poem: Church in Alberta, June 30th

Poem: Church in Alberta, June 30th

Poem: Sexy Becky (An Ode)

Poem: Sexy Becky (An Ode)