Poem: Christ is Risen (Take the Win)

Poem: Christ is Risen (Take the Win)

Christ is Risen
(Take the Win)

Isn’t it funny,
this Easter Bunny?
The preacher is mad.
He says it’s so sad
that the Lord Jesus
should share the focus—
that our worship’s been
coopted by sin—
that it’s Satan’s plan
to darkly mix in
ludicrous fiction
with his religion!

Yeah, man, I don’t know…
I think I want no
part in the outrage.
Besides, it seems strange
to worship a Lord
who feels great discord
by a fake rabbit
who will inhabit
shelves in CVS.
God wants to posses
the space in your heart,
not your shopping cart.
Can’t we just be glad
that we are not damned?
That Jesus rose up
and flowers grow up?
And what deities
don’t enjoy bunnies?

Poem: Rebirth

Poem: Rebirth

Poem: A Lack of Financial Understanding

Poem: A Lack of Financial Understanding