Poem: The Devil!

Poem: The Devil!

The Devil!

There is a man who
wants me to sin—
to fornicate and
be gluttonous.

He’s very sneaky,
lurking in the
shadows and blindspots
biding his time,
waiting for moments
to pop up and
make me think of boobs
against my will!
And just when I was
about to do
something virtuous!
Sometimes he will
tempt me to tell lies,
to my benefit,
or nudge me to
not return empty
shopping carts to
shopping cart corrals
in parking lots.

He is pernicious
ever relentless,

There is a devil
I can feel him
way down inside
but it’s not me.

Poem: God's Will

Poem: God's Will

Poem: The Smug Man

Poem: The Smug Man