Vignette: Letters to God #3

Vignette: Letters to God #3

Letters to God #3

Hi God,

Another week and another letter. I don’t know what I can tell you about that you don’t already know — it rained all day Friday, was super windy Thursday, and plenty of dull work in all the other spots. But you knew all that, didn’t you?

When someone tells you a joke, do you know the punchline? Is so, do you pretend like you don’t? Will God courtesy laugh? Or is that a lie? Maybe when someone tells you a joke you don’t think is funny, you just hug them and tell them they are loved even in the sinful, not-funny state?

But I digress …

From what? I’m not sure, but I know a digression when I see one.

Speaking of digressions, how about my last decade? Amiright?

I guess no one likes a complainer.

I could write poems or something, but I’m not sure if people care for poets either.

I’ll just close by saying I’m not sure how any group could profess to be your one true church and still produce Mike Lowry. I’m no prophet, but maybe y’all could start saying, “The church is true, Mike Lowry notwithstanding.” Just a thought.



Vignette: Letters to God #4

Vignette: Letters to God #4

Vignette: Letters to God #2

Vignette: Letters to God #2