Vignette: Letters to God #4

Vignette: Letters to God #4

Letters to God #4

Hey God,

It’s y’boy, Daniel. 6’5” tall and 285 lbs. Brown eyes and brown hair. Great teeth enamel.

Today in church we sang, “As our minds review the past, we know we must repent.” I’m feeling it. All week I’ve been too troubled to sleep. The center cannot hold. I need a change.

But we’ve talked about this before. A lot. Nothing seems to change. I don’t change. I don’t know how to change or I’m too chicken to change or there doesn’t seem to be a change to make.

It must be maddening to watch me while having all the answers. The frustration of being me is nearly total. To be better than me and to know me well must be rough.

Whatever my flaws and whatever should be different, here I am. I’m very sad. I felt feel broken and stuck. I can’t make a typo without hating myself. It doesn’t take much.

Good luck with the universe and everything.



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Vignette: Letters to God #5

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