Vignette: Letters to God #8

Vignette: Letters to God #8

Letters to God #8

To God:

I’m I’m sick of writing the same-old same-old, I can’t imagine how tired you must be of reading it. So … what would you like to hear about?

I guess we’re in the middle of some crazy drought—the worst in over a century or two. In scripture it seems like these sorts of things are your doing, but on the news they don’t get much into the cause at all or they only talk briefly about climate change. Do you feel cheated out of the credit? Or are you happy to not be blamed?

I guess it’s all above my pay grade, but, if it is your doing, then bang up job on this drought. They say it’s truly, truly terrible and expected to go on for many more years. (Go big or go home, right?)

It feels when this sort of thing happens to religious people it’s a test. If it happens to be a less-approved-of group, it’s a punishment. Test or punishment, my lawn can’t tell the difference.

Is it frustrating to be around people who are bound to give people reasons to what the universe does? I suspect most things aren’t about us, except to the extent that we’re shitting in our own drinking water (usually metaphorically, but also sometimes literally).

Well, that is all I can muster and probably a little more. It’s my best possible attempt at faking like I’m not completely dead inside. I guess in my own way, I can also put on a fine drought.



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Vignette: Letters to God #9

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