Vignette: Letters to God #9

Vignette: Letters to God #9

Letters to God #9

Hi God,

What’s with COVID-19? Is this a you thing or just a random thing? It kick my trash and still seems to be jostling my trash a little. Divine or not, I guess we are subject to the plagues we deserve.

Which brings me to my life.

I suppose I’m living in the plague I deserve. I’m selfish and timid and fickle and negative. I guess I should constantly be in shock that things have gone as well as they have.

It’d be really nice to not feel bored and useless. It’d be nice to feel like I mattered and wasn’t just an object for providing money. But it’s nice to have a house. It’s nice to have a paycheck. It’s nice to not be in jail or hanging from my thumbs.

Best of luck with all your God stuff.


Vignette: Letters to God #10

Vignette: Letters to God #10

Vignette: Letters to God #8

Vignette: Letters to God #8