Poem: The Mormon Von Trapps

Poem: The Mormon Von Trapps

The Mormon Von Trapps

The Mormon Von Trapps
want to explain their
musical number
prior to singing.

They need you to know
the things that they know.
Their pious life has
given them insights.

They hope you can feel
their insights while they
are singing to you.
Bask in their spirit!

The Mormon Von Trapps
stood on the shoulders
of the prophet and
glimpsed into heaven.

Now, in soft voices,
they invite you to
gaze into heaven
to feel their spirit.

Poem: Larry, Larry, Why? (Immature)

Poem: Larry, Larry, Why? (Immature)

Poem: Reflections on the Man Two Rows Up

Poem: Reflections on the Man Two Rows Up